Important Information
For Parents
Good Parenting
To get the best from the school for your child, you are advised to maintain close contact with the school. We earnestly recommend that parents and guardians should look into their ward’s organizer every day and see that the lesson and homework assigned for the day is done. The student should be encouraged to cultivate neatness. Remarks put down in the organizer should be seen and countersigned regularly.
If you feel that your ward is not making the desired progress the Class Teacher / Class coordinator/ Academic In charge/ Principal may be contacted.

Children will not be allowed to go home during school hours. Parents are requested not to make any social engagements or medical appointments during working hours. In order to ensure better discipline, parents are requested not to send their children to school on the day of any such appointments. In case of any infectious disease at your home please report the fact at once and do not send your ward to attend the class until the infectious period is over.
As the medium of instruction is English, a student should be helped and assisted to follow their work easily and intelligently by a certain amount of regular conversation in English at home. This will improve and enhance his/her communication skills.
- Check the haircut, neatness of uniform and punctuality of your ward in the morning.
- See that your ward carries books/exercise books according to the timetable for that day. No extra books are allowed.
- See that your ward is prepared for the weekly tests and brings the test notebook to School on such days or whenever needed.
- Encourage your ward to take a balanced interest in studies, co-curricular activities, and sports.
- Restrict daily pocket money. Excessive spending should be discouraged.
- No student will be allowed to go home without the written permission of the Principal.
- Your ward should be instructed to be careful about his/her things. Expensive articles like mobiles, MP3 players, laptops, I Pods, calculators, etc. should not be brought to School. They are also not allowed to wear expensive jewelry to School. In case of violation of this rule, the articles will be confiscated. The School bears no responsibility for such articles lost in School.
- If your ward is absent from School he must make up for all the work missed by him.
- If your ward is to leave the School campus during School hours he must bring a letter explaining the reason and should obtain a gate pass from the Principal. This must be presented to the Class Teacher at the time of leaving.
- All parents are requested to impart Health Education to their children so that they:
- Maintain personal hygiene like trimming of nails and be neat on a regular basis.
- Sleep for at least eight hours daily.
- All students are advised to bring their own water bottles from home.
- Deworm all children at least once a year. Advice to be taken from their family physician.
- Get dental and ophthalmic check-up every year by a dental surgeon and ophthalmologist.
- Immunise all children as per schedule is given below:
- Oral Polio
- Measles / MMR
- DT at 5 years of age
- Tetanus booster dose to be given at the appropriate age and also to be given if injured.
- Typhoid
- Cholera
- Hepatitis
- Meningitis
- Students suffering from diseases such as Chicken Pox, Cholera, Measles, Mumps, Whooping-Cough, and Jaundice must observe the prescribed period of quarantine as mentioned under the heading ‘Rules of Absence’ in the Organizer.
- A student suffering from infectious diseases like Conjunctivitis, Dermatitis, Scabies, etc. should not be sent to School.
- Students suffering from chronic diseases like Asthma, Epilepsy, Rheumatic Heart Disease, etc. are advised to be under continuous Medical supervision of a Specialist Doctor. History of their illness must be filled up in Organizer along with the treatment being taken.
What is expected of a DPS Student
- They should take good care of their health.
- They should always be friendly with others in and out of school.
- They should avoid vulgarity or indecency in their conversation.
- They should accept whatever work is assigned to them as their rightful share.
- They should face difficulties courageously.
- They should stand up when a teacher or visitor comes to talk to them.
- They should never cheat or be unfair in studies and games.
- They should never be cruel. They should know that cruelty is the trait of a bully, while kindness is the mark of a gentleman.
- They should always be honest and truthful.
- They should respect the liberty and rights of others.
- They should respect the beauty of the classroom and of the school premises and report any damage they may observe.
- They should never hesitate to say ‘No’ when asked or tempted to do a thing which they know is wrong.
- They should look upon people of the world as their brother irrespective of their color or creed.
- They should be dedicated and devoted to their studies and uphold the ethics, values, and traditions of their culture or society.
- They should maintain the decorum and discipline of their school.
- They should strictly follow the code of conduct and guidelines as presented by the school authorities.
- They should be socially or morally responsible for their behavior.
- They should always be ready to lend a helping hand to their parents, brothers, and sisters at home, to teachers and companions in the school, and to any unattended visitor, they happen to meet in the school premises.
A Child’s plea to his parents
- Be firm with me, it makes me feel secure.
- Don’t nag. If you do, I shall have to protect myself by appearing deaf.
- Help me not to form bad habits for I depend on you to detect them in the early stages.
- Correct me in private and not in public. I plead for the same respect as one deserves.
- Don’t protect me from the consequences. I need to learn the painful way some times.
- Love me but don’t spoil me.
- Don’t take too much notice of my small ailments sometimes they get me the attention I want.
- I am quickly growing up. It must be very difficult for you to keep pace “but remember your days”.
- Don’t even suggest that you are perfect or infallible. It gives me a great shock when I discover that you are neither.
- Please keep yourself fit and healthy. I NEED YOU.
- Help me to be austere. For my birthday, I need to take only toffees for each of my classmate for that is what they like.
- I am a Reflection of my Guides, my Teachers; don’t hit at them – you hurt me.
Parent Teacher Interaction Schedule 2024-25
08-06-2024 (Saturday)
26-10-2024 (Saturday)
01-02-2025 (Saturday)
15-03-2025 (Saturday)